Tag: National IPR Policy

Patent filings by Academic Institutions

Increase in Patent Filings by Academic Institutions

Introduction With a plethora of opportunities to quench one’s technological pursuits or showcase the creative abilities of the students, higher academic institutions can be considered to be the powerhouses for generating intellectual property (IP). The extensive research facilities provided by higher academic institutions such as incubation centers, and research sponsored through university and industry partnerships serve as breeding grounds for various breakthrough inventions. Similarly, academic institutions may also give rise to developments in other areas of IP. This may be some literary work in the form of some songs or drama or film scripts or artistic works in the form of a sculpture or even a painting. The list is endless to enunciate the numerous possibilities of IP in any academic institution. Recommendations of National IPR Policy, 2016 It is indeed the above reasons that may have inspired the drafters of National IPR policy to provide certain recommendations on how…

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