Tag: software patent

Legal Protection of Software – Choosing the Right Strategy

This article focuses on the Million Dollar question of this century. How to legally protect software from being copied or pirated. In this article, we will be discussing different ways to legally protect software from being pirated/copied. Since are multiple facets to this problem, the first question would be deciding which aspect of the software requires protection. Examples include:          Protecting the basic idea of the software and the problem solved.         Protecting the software code and algorithm.         Protecting the architecture, process/control flow diagrams, higher-level project details, etc.         Protecting the User Interface and graphical elements of the software, etc. This listing is not exhaustive and keeps evolving over time with new developments in the field of software engineering. With new software development models coming into the picture, the strategy for protecting software would naturally undergo further changes. Nevertheless, the…

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Interpretation of Section 3(i) of the Indian Patent Act, 1970 in the Context of Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing
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Introduction The advent of Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) has revolutionized prenatal diagnostics, enabling expectant parents to assess the genetic health of the fetus…