Tag: Types of Patents

Patent Claim Drafting

What are Patent Claims and Why Should You Get It Right?

A patent claim sets the boundaries for an invention by highlighting what the invention covers and does not cover. In simple terms, the patent claims define the subject matter (i.e., product or process) for which patent protection is being sought and the rest of the patent specification including any drawings explains the technical details of the invention in detail. Basically, the protection by way of patent grant is given for the claims and not any other part of the complete specifications. Having mentioned that, one cannot simply state statements about the inventions as claims nor one should interpret the term ‘Patent Claim’ to mean as describing what the invention achieves in a broad sense. The Patent Law in general across all jurisdictions require the patent claims to be recite specific technical features of the invention in a techno legal language. One of the main reasons for this strict requirement is…

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Types of Patent Applications

           Now that you’ve decided to go for patent protection, it is time to choose the type of patent application that you’ll be filing. It is pertinent to understand that a patent protects the utility or functionality of a product. If the novelty of the product relates to its ornamental design, you should go for an Industrial Design (also known as a design patent in the US and other jurisdictions) instead. For the purpose of clarity, let’s use the universal term utility patent to identify patent applications defined under The Indian Patent Act, 1970. This article will help you understand different types of patent applications that may be filed under The Indian Patent Act, 1970. If you are unsure whether to go for a utility patent or an industrial design, read this article written by Mr. Harish Naidu, founding partner of Acura IP Services. To know what is a patent…

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Form 27 – Understanding Form 27 for Patentees and Licensees in the Post-2024 Amendment
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Patents grant inventors exclusive rights over their creations for a specific period. In India, patentees and licensees have a responsibility to disclose how…

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Interpretation of Section 3(i) of the Indian Patent Act, 1970 in the Context of Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing
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Introduction The advent of Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) has revolutionized prenatal diagnostics, enabling expectant parents to assess the genetic health of the fetus…